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Pacesetter S.C. South

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Apr, 2020

Spring Season Update - 4/17/20

Spring Season Update #1 - sent via email @ 9:32pm on 4/17/20:

Here is another quick update for all of our families.  Ohio North made the announcement late yesterday that they will be cancelling State League for the spring season.  This closure also effects any sanctioned tournaments through Ohio North.  Most notably is the PSI tournament in late May.  The announcement also stated that any league, NWOYSL can still hold their spring season if they so choose to do.  So at this point we have not heard anything different from NWOYSL on their plans and if they are moving the May 1 start date.  Once we do we will send out another email outlining the plans moving forward.  We are also working on refunds for the spring season.  We are currently working with all of our tournaments and leagues to determine the refund we will be receiving and when we can expect to receive it.  As you can image they are dealing with more clubs that just us and the process is slow.  Thanks for everyone patience.  Stay healthy everyone and we will see you all soon.

Spring Season Update #2 - sent via email @ 1:08pm on 4/17/20:

We received word this morning that NWOYSL has cancelled this spring season as well, following Ohio North.
At this point, all spring soccer activities for Pacesetter South are cancelled. There is no spring league seasons or tournaments for any of our teams. 
As previously stated, we are working on refunds for our families.  We are still gathering information from the leagues and tournaments about the refunds to the club and when we can expect to receive these.  We thank everyone for your continued patience.  We will send out more updates as soon as we can. Stay tuned for information regarding try-outs for next year as well.  

Stay healthy everyone and we will see you all soon.

Kevin Shenise
Executive Director
Pacesetter South Soccer Club


Pacesetter Soccer Club South
Mailing Address: PO Box 147 
Findlay, Ohio 45839

Phone: 567-429-8424
Email: [email protected]

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